About PoLAR


dessin4 PoLAR is a project from people at Inria (Magrit Team) and funded by 

an Inria Technology Development Action grant (2014-2016).

It was written by Pierre-Jean Petitprez, as a main contributor, while he was an Inria research engineer at LORIA. He was supervised by Erwan Kerrien and Pierre-Frederic Villard, who were also involved in design and development.

Features include:

  • 2D and 3D objects visualization and interaction
  • Camera flow and image manipulation
  • Soft-body deformation


  • Portability: PoLAR has been tested and used on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android
  • Simplicity: an API designed for CV specialists with detailed user guide including tutorials and examples
  • Deformation capability: PoLAR provides an API to manage physics engines
  • Sustainability: PoLAR depends on well-established Qt and OpenSceneGraph libraries, and is open source software

How to acknowledge

If you use PoLAR, we will appreciate if you acknowledge it. Please use the following citation:

Pierre-Jean Petitprez, Erwan Kerrien, Pierre-Frédéric Villard. PoLAR: a Portable Library for Augmented Reality. 15th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Sep 2016, Merida, Mexico. pp.4, 2016, <https://ismar2016.vgtc.org>. <hal-01356012> https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01356012/file/PoLAR_ISMAR.pdf BibTex